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In 2022, Agroforestry Group entered into an agreement with one of Malaysia’s leading reforestation programmes. Under this reforestation initiative of ours we will plant a tree in your name
for every Musang King or Black Thorn tree purchased with us.
Each reforestation tree comes with its own digital certificate and GPS coordinates.
NGOs and Sabah government agencies work along the Lower Kinabatangan river in Sabah, Borneo to support numerous endangered species and the larger biodiversity found in the region. Endangered wildlife in the area include: Borneo pygmy elephants, Borneo orangutan, Sumatran rhinoceros, Malayan sun bear, clouded leopard, bear cat, hornbills and many more.
Our contribution is through habitat restoration of land tracts directly assigned by the Sabah Wildlife Department. This land is usually degraded riparian land, with no canopy trees and is a vital part of the corridor that will serve to connect animal populations. Creating a junior canopy takes 3 years of planting and maintenance and has trees that are at least 3.5 m tall on each reforested plot. Once the trees are this tall maintenance can cease.



Our initiatives are part of the Corridor of Life Project. The Kinabatangan Corridor of Life is 26,000 hectares of continuous forested wildlife corridors that link the upland forest. This area is one of two placesin the world where ten primate species are found together and is home to almost 400 species of mammals, birds and reptiles and over 1000 plant species.

For every Musang King and Black Thorn tree purchased, we will plant and maintain on your behalf one sapling within the Corridor of Life. This programme will not only help the wildlife and the habitat but also support the economy of the local people living in this area. The local people that live and work on this project are the guardians of this forest, keeping it safe for our future generations. Your contribution includes:
These are 29 species of trees that we plant including Nangka (Artocarpus sp), Simpoh Gajah (Dillenia reticulata), Fig (Ficus sp) and Rambutan (Nephelium sp). These species selected provide a balance of flowering & domestic fruit-bearing trees, fast growing pioneers, swampland specialists and hardwood trees.
Plot preparation
Nursery care
Sapling planting
Soil enrichment
Mulch generation
Maintenance for 3-years

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